Explore how to stay in touch with the lungs and luster of your creative practice in this virtual playboratory. How can we water and polish the gem-seeds that are buried in the challenges of daily life? Together we'll practice curiosity and buoyancy regarding how to live our art, via a sparkleporium of experiments, skillshares, and what Toni Morrison called "being alert and ready for unaccountable beauty."
Find the link to join in your calendar & in the upcoming newsletter.
Bio: Almah LaVon (theyy/themme) is artcestor-powered as a writer, mixed media maker, and fairy marsh monster living in Dionde:gâ. Almah is a creature of myth who is reputed to write fiction that engages unfettered Black imagination and dreaming a new world many-petaled. Their queer speculative novella is slated to be released in 2026.Theyy know beauty is rampant.